Christ-Centered, Classical, Organic and Green!
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Christ-Centered, Classical, Organic and Green!
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Paideia Classical Academy is home to Saint Luke Orthodox Chapel, dedicated to the holy apostle and evangelist Luke. Liturgy at the chapel is served year round in English on Sundays and great feasts. During the school year the students also attend the divine liturgy every Wednesday or feast day morning, where members of the student body assist by serving in the altar and singing in the choir. All are welcome!

Service times:
Saturdays: the all-night vigil and confessions at 5:00 PM
Sundays: the Divine Liturgy at 10:00 AM
Tuesdays: vespers and confessions at 2:45 PM
Wednesdays: the Divine Liturgy at 9:30 AM

Please note: when there is a great feast, services for the feast are served instead of the regular Tuesday and Wednesday services.

Eves of feast days: the all-night vigil – at 2:45 PM (if on a school day; otherwise at 5:00 PM
Feast days: the Divine Liturgy at 9:30 AM (Monday through Saturday; if Sunday, 10:00 AM)

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